Are you an Old Soul?
14 Signs You’re An Old Soul
1. You tend to think a lot about everything. You’re always finding deeper meaning in your relationships, simple interactions with strangers, and in the world around you.
2. You enjoy solitude and use it as a time to reflect on your life and everything going on in it. You continually seek out higher understanding and are incredibly introspective about life.
3. You’ve always had maturity far beyond your years. When you were a child people commented on how mature you were and you probably enjoyed sitting at the adult’s table as opposed to the children’s table. It’s not that you couldn’t have fun being a kid, it’s just that sometimes you thought the adult conversations were far more interesting.
4. You take pleasure in simple things like drinking coffee and reading the news, having breakfast with friends, cooking a great meal, or reading a good book.
5. You have a philosophical outlook on life and see the world on a larger scale than most people. When you’re faced with problems you try to see it as a learning experience and consider your struggles as just a part of your overall journey.
6. You don’t put a lot of value on owning expensive, material items. You find you get so much more out of your personal relationships and experiences than from anything you could ever own.
7. You focus on self-actualization and find enjoyment out of self-expression through writing, art, music, or other outlets.
8. You’re sensitive and spiritual in nature. You tend to rely on your gut instinct about things because it’s rarely wrong. You just get “a feeling” about things and can read people well.
9. You feel connected to certain time periods and find yourself more interested in the art, history, or culture from that decade.
10. Even if you have a large social circle full of friends and acquaintances you’ve always felt kind of different than everyone else. You might not call yourself a loner necessarily but you’re definitely comfortable with being alone and understand the difference between being alone and being lonely.
11. Regardless of where you go you seem to be the kind of person strangers feel inclined to talk to. Something about you makes others want to spill their life story within just minutes of meeting you.
12. You feel a sense of separation from yourself and the “real world” at times. You recognize there’s the way you think about life in terms of money, possessions, relationships, etc, and then there’s the conventional approach to life most people have. You don’t believe either one is better, just different.
13. You have a high level of empathy and acceptance towards others and understand the importance of forgiveness. Because of this your friends always go to for advice or to tell you a secret they wouldn’t tell anyone else. They know you’ll listen to them without judgment.
14. You savor the quiet moments in life that might seem old fashioned to others. Maybe this means going on a Sunday drive in the country or writing a letter (a real letter, not an email) to a friend that lives across the country.
1. You tend to think a lot about everything. You’re always finding deeper meaning in your relationships, simple interactions with strangers, and in the world around you.
2. You enjoy solitude and use it as a time to reflect on your life and everything going on in it. You continually seek out higher understanding and are incredibly introspective about life.
3. You’ve always had maturity far beyond your years. When you were a child people commented on how mature you were and you probably enjoyed sitting at the adult’s table as opposed to the children’s table. It’s not that you couldn’t have fun being a kid, it’s just that sometimes you thought the adult conversations were far more interesting.
4. You take pleasure in simple things like drinking coffee and reading the news, having breakfast with friends, cooking a great meal, or reading a good book.
5. You have a philosophical outlook on life and see the world on a larger scale than most people. When you’re faced with problems you try to see it as a learning experience and consider your struggles as just a part of your overall journey.
6. You don’t put a lot of value on owning expensive, material items. You find you get so much more out of your personal relationships and experiences than from anything you could ever own.
7. You focus on self-actualization and find enjoyment out of self-expression through writing, art, music, or other outlets.
8. You’re sensitive and spiritual in nature. You tend to rely on your gut instinct about things because it’s rarely wrong. You just get “a feeling” about things and can read people well.
9. You feel connected to certain time periods and find yourself more interested in the art, history, or culture from that decade.
10. Even if you have a large social circle full of friends and acquaintances you’ve always felt kind of different than everyone else. You might not call yourself a loner necessarily but you’re definitely comfortable with being alone and understand the difference between being alone and being lonely.
11. Regardless of where you go you seem to be the kind of person strangers feel inclined to talk to. Something about you makes others want to spill their life story within just minutes of meeting you.
12. You feel a sense of separation from yourself and the “real world” at times. You recognize there’s the way you think about life in terms of money, possessions, relationships, etc, and then there’s the conventional approach to life most people have. You don’t believe either one is better, just different.
13. You have a high level of empathy and acceptance towards others and understand the importance of forgiveness. Because of this your friends always go to for advice or to tell you a secret they wouldn’t tell anyone else. They know you’ll listen to them without judgment.
14. You savor the quiet moments in life that might seem old fashioned to others. Maybe this means going on a Sunday drive in the country or writing a letter (a real letter, not an email) to a friend that lives across the country.